Lesson Plans

A.6.02– Introduction to Facilitation skills and Understanding group dynamic

50 minutes

  • Using PowerPoint slides, the Tutor presents some theory on good group facilitation (taken from Chapetr 2 of the Facilitator’s Handbook)
  • Tutor distributes copies of R.6.1 to all learners and delivers some theory on what makes a good/bad facilitator based on the content provided in the activity.
  • Learners do the activity in R.6.1 with a final sharing and discussion.
  • After the activity, Tutor allows time for group discussion; this is important to clarify possible learners’ doubts.
  • The Tutor should start a brief discussion on the concepts and issues introduced, allowing learners time to express their opinion and ideas.

Pens and note-taking materials for learners; Flipchart ad markers; Copies of R.6.1 for all learners