Lesson Plans

65 minute

  • Using PowerPoint slides 17-21, the Tutor will guide the learners through the process of setting up an email account using G-mail. G-mail was chosen because it is open source and reliable.
  • Learners will be encouraged to use this email address when interacting with their mentoring partners throughout the BRAMIR project.
  • Learners will follow the content of the PowerPoint slides and will set up their own email account with support from the Tutor if necessary. 


Individual Exercise


  • Tutor writes their work/professional email address on a flipchart.
  • Using their new e-mail account, learners are asked to compose an email, attach an item from their laptop or computer and send it to the Tutor’s email address.
  • Tutor will check that s/he has received an email from all learners to ensure that all learners can perform this task effectively.
  • Tutor will answer any questions which may arise from this activity.

Projector and Screen; Laptop or Computer; Pens and note-taking materials for learners; Flipchart and marker; PowerPoint slides 17-21; Copies of the PowerPoint slides printed for each learner